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Our History
Bodies-in-Motion, Inc. began with the friendship between Mary Armstrong and Louise Leonard in the early 1950’s when they both belonged to the same social club. The friendship continued and they exercised together during the 1960’s and 1970’s at the YWCA in Atlanta. Mary started teaching there and did so for a number of years.

The concept for Bodies-in-Motion, Inc. came to Mary in the early 1980’s as she dreamed of a fitness format that would involve all ages in a low-impact fitness program. Hi-impact was “in” and Mary wanted no part of it!

An opportunity to have a studio presented itself in 1983 and Mary and Louise formed a partnership called “Shape Up”. Training sessions were conducted to acquire the teachers needed to expand. Mary created the program for low-impact, high-energy exercise for the total body. Louise managed the business and taught classes.

In June, 1986, the partners applied to the State of Georgia to incorporate. The “Shape Up” name was taken so we became Bodies-in-Motion, Inc. Our expansion was quick and spread from one location in Fayetteville to the entire metro Atlanta area.

Many excellent teachers have been trained by us and many others have joined us. All are possessed with great talent, enthusiasm and creativity. All continue our original philosophy of total body exercise for the total span of life. To date, ages of class members have ranged from 18 to 90.