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Past Workshops

Theatre Games for Fitness Instructors
Learn the basic games and how these simple exercises can keep your students IN the workout and listening to you and to their bodies. Keeping your high-intensity students “in the moment” while working out will increase their focus and, consequently, release their stress, calm them and engage them in the play of their training while developing a more acute awareness of themselves and their environment. Give new meaning to the word kinesiology and the combined phenomena of time and energy for all your students. Help your seniors change direction quickly without falling and share the joy of “just listening.”

Tai Chi for Health and Wellness
Incorporates simple relaxing moves designed to strengthen the body while soothing the mind and spirit. At the end of this session you will take away with you a simple Tai Chi “form” you can perform on a daily basis with ease. Tai Chi increases flexibility, balance, and digestion and provides stress release, mental alertness and increased powers of concentration that can be applied to daily living activities. Tai Chi combines deep breathing and postures that flow from one to another through slow movements.

Personal Trainer/Fitness Leader AI Flexibility Training
Flexibility and range of motion, though often overlooked by trainers and fitness instructors, is a key component to everyday functionality, athletic performance and injury prevention. This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to the Active Isolated stretching technique that has provided flexibility breakthroughs for fitness instructors in a class setting and personal trainers working with athletes, dancers and the aging population. You will leave with, not only a stretched body and a deeper understanding of the physiology of flexibility, but also the most effective way to stretch your clients and your classes.




Exercise for the “Heart” Of It
An overview of what exercise can do for your heart plus detailed kinesiology exploration and anatomy basics. Includes basics on all aspects of training: Aerobic conditioning, balance and coordination, flexibility, resistance training, muscular endurance and muscular strength, nutrition.

Personal Trainer Thai-Yoga Body TherapyŽ Training
An interactive (loose clothing) workshop providing an introduction to the Thai-Yoga Body TherapyŽ stretching technique. You will leave with a stretched body and new potential for flexibility breakthroughs for your athletic or aging clients.